Creating great content takes time and effort. But once published, your work doesn’t have to be done. With a smart repurposing and updating strategy, you can extend the life and impact of high-performing assets.

Repurposing: Extracting Maximum Value

Repurposing involves taking an existing content asset and reworking it into new formats to reach new audiences. For example, you could:

  • Turn a long-form article into a short video or podcast
  • Extract key stats into an appealing social media graphic
  • Rework a research report into a visual slide presentation

The goal is to present the same core information in a fresh way optimized for different channels and contexts.

When done well, repurposing unlocks tremendous value. Each new format attracts new eyeballs and shares your core messages with those who may not read a long article but will engage with a video.

Four Keys to Effective Repurposing

Follow these tips to repurpose content the right way:

  1. Start with high-quality assets. Repurposing average content won’t give great results. Identify your top performers based on engagement metrics and focus on adapting those.
  2. Tailor for each format. Don’t just copy-paste article text into a video script. Study successful examples of each format you want to repurpose into. What works well in an infographic won’t work in a tweet.
  3. Add new value. Don’t just summarize. Look for unused research gems or new real-world examples you can weave in. Adding fresh value boosts the appeal.
  4. Promote across channels. Let your email subscribers know about the new video version. Share the infographic on social media. Cross-promote to maximize visibility.

Updating: Keeping Content Current

Even evergreen content has a shelf life. Facts and figures get outdated. New competitors emerge. User needs evolve. Updating can breathe new life into old content.

You have a few options for updating:

  • Publish revised versions. For especially popular assets, publish an official updated version. This works well for research reports, guides, and other premium content. Alert your audience to the new edition.
  • Update sections incrementally. Add short call-out boxes highlighting new data or trends without rewriting the entire piece. This takes less effort but ensures you don’t share outdated info.
  • Adapt into fresh spin-off content. Use the outdated content as inspiration for a new, related piece. For example, turn an outdated “Top 10 APIs” article into a forward-looking piece on “5 API Trends to Watch.”

Four Tips for Keeping Content Current

Follow these best practices to keep your content library refreshed:

  1. Audit routinely. Set reminders to review your top evergreen assets at least annually. Flag outdated sections.
  2. Stay on top of trends. Subscribe to industry newsletters and monitor forums. Look for rising trends you may need to address.
  3. Talk to your audience. Survey customers directly or monitor social media conversations. Learn about evolving needs and pain points.
  4. Update backlinks. If you update an outdated piece, let others know by reaching out to websites that link to it so they can update too.

The Compounding Returns of Repurposing + Updating

With a smart content refresh strategy, you can extend the useful life of assets by years. The combined impact of repurposing into new formats and updating outdated sections compounds over time.

Each round of repurposing and updating boosts visibility, builds credibility, and keeps your content library relevant. The more you can extract from high-performing assets, the faster your content library will grow.

It does take continued time investment. But compared to creating new content from scratch, repurposing and updating generate an impressive ROI. Put these strategies to work and watch your content marketing payoff grow.